How to Repair LCD TV Backlight Shurdown
Model: Hisense TLM4777 LCD TV
Chassis: GM1501 + FLI2300
Symptom: Tv Screen Came In with Tv Logo then No Display, Or Their Backlight Shutdown

The customer brings in this TV and complaint that this TV screen will blank after the TV logo
came out. But the sound is normal and you can control to change TV channel. This TV is using the Samsung LTA460WS-L03 LCD Panel. Where this LCD Module comes with the
inverter board and the part number is: KLS-460BLWSA and B

After using the PSU self test method and found that this LCD TV was the inverter board
defective. This inverter was divided into two boards, one is A board (Master) and another one is B board
(Slave). After checking most of the components in the both A & B boards, still can’t found any damage or
leakage components. Because of this Tv backlight system just shutdown randomly only, so it is hard to
troubleshoot it.
After searching internet regarding this inverter board repairing information and found that it
has a common fault about their ceramic caps. These ceramic caps will sensitive with the environment
temperature or through their temperature changed their values will change too. So it will cause the
protection system made a wrong decision to protect inverter board, even they are no any over voltage or over
current occurs in the board or lamps.
The correct method to repair this inverter board is changing all these ceramic caps to 2200P
ceramic caps. These caps are location at: C120, C180, C280, C380 & C480. Same as the picture

After changed all these ceramic caps and burnt in test about 7 hours, their backlight system
still working good. Finally this LCD TV randomly shutdown backlight problem
This KLS-460BLWSA Rev0.0 & Rev 0.1 inverter board has another common fault too. For
1) Symptom: The TV backlight blink once then backlight system shutdown.
Cure: Replace their T320 & T412 (both part numbers are: BL009 593) HV transformer. Because of
their ferrite core were cracked.
2) Symptom: No Display. Because the TV backlight not work.
Cure: Check the Q101SMD transistor. Maybe it is burn or open.
The hardest symptom on repairing LCD TV is problem on “Randomly”! Because all the components are
in ‘good’ condition, so we can’t measure the components with the multimeter or analogue meter only. Some we
need some other extra repairing information to help us to troubleshooting the
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