This is the time to learn something new. I had
received some of the subscribers email me to ask about these repair information. They want to improve
their repair knowledge to other fields too. Hopefully these information helps to you all.
1) Apple iPhone 3 & iPhone 4 Schematic Diagram
- These are the apple smart phone circuit diagrams.
So if you're smart phone repairer or you're interesting to see how this thing works, then you can refer to these

2) Samsung WF448 Front Load Washer 2008 Training Manual
The front load washer at some region will call
it as washing machine. This training manual contains these repair information like: Quick Test Mode, Water Valve
Check, Heater Check, Servce Mode, Cycle Selector Test, Diagnostic Code Check, VRT THeory of Operation, Testing the
VRT System and so on.

3) Samsung Advanced Refrigerator 2010 Troubleshooting Guide
This troubleshooting guide contents

4) Sanyo_Fisher VB7C_1 CRT TV Training Manual
You can learn the basic of CRT Tv circuits and some
of their troubleshooting methods too.

5) Sanyo VB8B_CRT TV Training_Manual
This is a CRT TV circuit description training manual.
Included SVM, Pinchusion Correction Circuit, S-Correction and the Dynamic Focus Circuit.

Enjoy Repair!
1) Apple iPhone 4s Schematic Diagram with Test Points
2) Apple iPhone 5 Schematic Diagram with Test Points

Both above files are included the schematic diagram and their PCB test points.
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