This is the time to learn something new. After last
email newsletter broadcast, i received the feedback from my subscriber, and they suggest me to provide more repair
information. With these repair information, they can improve their repair knowledge to other fields too. Hopefully these information
helps to you all.
1) Apple iPhone 6 Schematic Diagram
The world top model of smart mobile phone, Apple
iPhone 6. Inside the diagram is full of their parts schematic diagram as usual. This file is hard to find, so you
need to grab it now!

2) Apple iPad Mini Wi-Fi with 4G
Lost of the subscriber asking to having this
schematic diagram to download. Finally i found one for you all. This model of iPad mini included Wi-Fi and 4G
function. The schematic diagram number is 820-3243.

3) Panasonic Dustless Split Air-Conditioner Training Manual
This Panasonic Air Conditioner training manual is to
provide you with a thorough understanding of the foundamentals of the split air-conditioning and heat pump system.
Included Installation instruction, metering devices, refrigerent recovery technique, theory on basic refrigeration
cycle, troubleshooting and the function of each component are explained.

4) Philips L05 CRT TV Training Manual
The Philips L05 ATSC CRT TV training manual included
the theory of ATSC, Power Supply, Main Power Supply, Video Signal Flow, Scan Velocity Modulation Circuit and so

Happy Holiday & Enjoy
For more information on repair lcd led tv or learn how to testing components like a pro, please find and click the
button below to visit:
V4.0-LED & LCD TV Repair Tips
V3.0- LED & LCD TV Repair Tips
V2.0 - LCD & LED TV Repair Tips
V1.01-Collection of LCD TV Repair Tips
Testing Electronic Components Ebookby Jestine Yong

SMPS Power Supply Repair Guideby Jestine Yong

Best wishes,