Learn How to Repair TV Panel with the Help of COF
BoardView without Replace a TV Panel

give an example to explain how the COF BoardView helps to save a TV Screen/Panel. Actually, if you know how to
use this method to fix the TV panel , it is very easy and cheapest to solve the TV panel problem with replaced
an expensive TV screen.
Here is
using an example of TV HAIER LE32A910 LED TV with TV symptom: TV Display White Screen or Blue Screen without any
characters on the screen. This Tv use Panel Model: H320EHC-BB2 with T-CON: HV320WXC-200-X-PCB-X0.0.
usual, when you read lots of my TV Repair Tips ebooks, you will know many methods to starting diagnose it. To
fast find out what’s wrong about the TV problem, so use the LVDS tester to check the problem is before or after
the T-CON section. So it shows that the screen still the same problem, that’s mean the problem is located on
T-CON or/and Panel there.
our record to show that, most of the time this model of Panel
come with the problem mention the above is causing by abnormal VGH voltage in VGH line. So first step is check
the VGH line until the X-COF contact pin there still has the VGH: 27V. Next step is checking the Gate COF VGH
pin. This Panel Gate COF is using 8659-M. Refer to my ebook COF BoardView List, the exact same part number is
not available, but find the same position of COF is same as 8656-M CY61. Find this part number of COF to see
which pin is the VGH pin, after that check their first Gate COF and found VGH voltage is
For Gate COF: 8656-M
Refer to the photo above, the Gate
COF VGH point missing their voltage at pin-1 (Red color one). Pin-2 is VGL (also called as Voff
When we know the correct VGH pin
voltage is missing, so it is easy to let us just connect a wire from T-CON Board VGH voltage line to this COF
VGH pin/point. Power on the TV, the TV Panel appears HAIER logo display, which mean the TV is back to normal
now. Easy isn’t it? But if you don’t know, where to check, don’t the COF pins for what feature and voltages, so
how can you repair it? For more TV repairing information, please do read the new pre-launch V7-OLED/LED/LCD TV Repair Tips ebook. It is not only has the COF BoardView List, it also has
many other great TV repair tips to learn too.

New 2021/20 New eBook! V7-Smart OLED/LED/LCD
TV Repair Tips ebook is Pre-Launch