How to Soldering the Wire on cannot be Soldering Surface like Lithium
This repair article was help me solved a Micro-computer Rice Cooker. Also this repair tips can
apply to all hard to soldering surface area like: Lithium battery coin type, Heatsink, stainless steel and

A Micro-Computer Rice Cooker, brand EMPRESS and model is R9657 with complaint not working &
whistler sound from inside buzzer. Their LCD screen clock disappearing.
Dismantle the Rice Cooker, as picture below:

Found their Lithium battery is a coin type Horz 2 pins PC (or some will called it as: PC pins).

Remove the battery from PCB board, the whistler sound gone. Measured the battery voltage and it
shows just 2.2V only, original is 3V. I use my DC Power Supply to pump in 3V on the PCB board, the clock is
appear on the LCD screen now. That’s mean the problem just a weakness battery causing their Micro-Computer
PCB board not working and whistler sound.

The battery code is CR2477 shown on the battery there. When checking this number online, I found
the correct part number of this battery is: CR2477-HFN (1000mAH). Actually, this type of battery is hard to
get it from my local store. I think I want to use a substitute battery like CR2450 (620mAH) with same voltage
rating of 3V and same Horz 2 pins PC type too. Unfortunately, the CR2450 cannot be substitute to CR2477!
Because the clock still can’t appear on the LCD screen there.

So I just can found the CR2477 lithium battery without Horz 2 Pins PC from other area electronic
store. The problem is how can I soldering the wire on this type of battery? Because this CR2477 battery quite
thick and I can’t find any battery holder can support it.

Suddenly I think of my repair friend gave me two bottle of solder chemicals before. Where this
solder chemical is called Debailong with model code: DBL800. This solder chemical can help to soldering on
cannot be soldering surface like coin type Lithium battery, Heatsink, stainless steel and
So I quickly take this solder chemical from my part store. The solder chemical bottle like
picture below:

Before use this solder chemical, we must follow the correct instruction to using it. First, we
must clean up the soldering surface with alcohol (both side of battery). Second, use an old or bad soldering
iron to soldering it. Because this chemical is severe corrosion, if using a good soldering iron, it will
damage the soldering iron tip.

After everything is ok and ready, just put a drop of solder chemical on the location we need to
soldering wire and then using soldering iron to soldering wire (soldering it with soldering iron just 1~2
seconds only) as picture below:

This solder chemical can soldering the wire perfectly on the battery surface. Use the battery
plastic cover to modify it as an insulating sheet to prevent any short circuit on the PCB board. The battery
is soldering back to PCB board there. This Micro-computer PCB board clock is appear perfectly on the LCD
screen now.

With this repair tips, the EMPRESS R9657 Micro-computer Rice Cooker is back to normal

When doing electronic repair, we always facing problem like this. So we need to know more about
this type of knowledge to improve ourself to become a successful electronic repairer or like a Pro in
electronic repair.
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