LG 42PC5DC Plasma TV Switch Mode Power Supply Operation and Troubleshooting
There are 2 different Power Supply Boards used in the
42PC5DC Plasma TV. One board is (EAY3297901) and the other one (EAY32808901).
Both circuit boards operate the same and can be
substituted with each other although care must be taken because of the differences, not only are the
connectors marked differently but they are reversed from top to bottom, except for the VA and VS connector
which although marked with a different connector, the number pin out are the same.
Another difference is that the VA and VS Controls have
circuit symbol numbers reversed between the boards. VR901 on one board is VS and on the other it will be

AC Voltage is supplied to the SMPS Board at Connector
CN1 from the AC Input Filter. Standby 5V is developed from the Circuits of Transformer T201, RC401, RC402 and
Q422. Standby 5V is then routed to 2 places, the Micro Processor IC4015 on the Main Board and to the Sub
Micon U702 on the SMPS, where AC – ON / DETECT is developed and sent from Pin 1 of Connector P1 to IC4015.
With the presence of both 5V STB and AC – ON/ DETECT, IC4015 is active.
When IC4015 receives an “ ON “ Command from either the
Keyboard or the Remote IR Signal, it outputs a high to RL-ON which enters the SMPS Board at Pin 2 of P1 and
M5V-ON. The high RL-ON Voltage is sensed by the Sub Micon U702 which causes the Relay RL102 to close turning
on the 380V Supply developing the 19V,12V and 6V Voltage Sources.
The 3.4V line at P3 (Pins 1 and 2) also P2 (Pin 7)
becomes active when Pin 13 the 3.4V-ON line of connector P1 goes high turning on the 3.4V
The M5V-ON Line located on the SMPS at Connector P1 (Pin
7) is sensed by U702 the Sub Micon IC turning on the 5V VCC line.
The last step to bring the supply to “Full Power” occurs
when IC4015 brings the VS-ON line high at Pin 5 of Connector P1 the SMPS Board which when sensed by the U702
Sub Micon IC turns on the VA and VS Supplies.
The Operating Sequence discussed above can be confirmed
by using the Oscilloscope in the XY Mode. Start by connecting Channel 1 of the Oscilloscope to 5V STB and
Channel 2 to AC DET the delay between 5V STB and AC DET can be noted. Next Connect Channel 1 to RL ON and
Channel 2 to VS ON again the delay between the 2 voltages can be noted. Connect Channel 1 to RL ON and
Channel 2 to M5V-ON the 2 supplies come up at the same time proving the 5V VCC line becomes active before the
VS ON line.
Remember if a voltage is missing check for proper
resistance before proceeding
Understanding the Power On Sequence when troubleshooting a possible Power Supply
Failure will simplify the process of isolating which circuit board failed to operate properly. In this Section we
will investigate the Power on Sequence and examine ways to locate quickly where the failure
Check the Power On LED for Operation, a Red LED
indicates a presence of 5V STB and AC-ON/DETECT. Failure of the Power ON LED to light is an indication of
loss of 5V STB or AC ON/ Detect remember the 5V STB and AC-ON/DETECT are developed on the SMPS and sent to
the Main Board.
Listen for Relay Click, the click of the Relay is an
indication of RL-ON going high. RL-ON is sent from the Main Board to the SMPS and when present U702 controls
the Relay Operation. RL-ON going High and no Relay is a failure of the SMPS, RL-ON staying low is a failure
of the Main Board.

Relay Operation means that the SMPS if working properly
will output 19V, 12V and 6V to the Main Board. If the Relay closed and these supplies failed suspect a
problem with the SMPS.
3.4V-ON will activate the 3.4V Supply to the Main Board,
at this time Audio should be present as the Tuner and Signal Processing circuits are
The next step of operation calls for the M5V-ON line
from the Main Board to the SMPS to go high. A high on the M5V-ON Line activates the 5V Vcc line. Loss of 5V
Vcc results in no Raster, no Reset, no Y, Z, Control or X Board operation. Loss of 5V and M5V-ON going high
could be caused by any of these boards or failure of the SMPS. M5V-ON staying low indicates a problem on the
Main Board.
VS-ON is the last step of the Power Sequence and is
responsible for bringing the VS and VA Voltages up. The VS-ON signal is sent from the Main Board to the SMPS
as a high, VS and VA and full operation of the Display Panel are now enabled. Loss of VS-ON results in loss
of VA and VS and no Raster, no Reset but Audio would be present. If VS-ON went high and VS and VA where
missing the problem could be caused by a failure on the SMPS or a circuit using these voltages. A Resistance
check should narrow the possible failures quickly.

This test can confirm the proper operation of the SMPS
without the need to exchange the board.
The Operation of the Power Supply can be confirmed by
removing the SMPS Board and placing it in the Service Position. Place two 60Watt lamps in series across pin 9
(VS) and 5 (Ground) of P812.
Apply AC Power and check for 5V STB and AC-ON / DETECT
at P800, if present remove AC Power and install a 100Ω? watt resistor from 5V STB to RL-ON on Connector P800.
Apply AC Power, the AC Relays should close and 19V, 12V and 6V should be Present. If ok remove AC
Solder a 100Ω? watt resistor from 5V STB to 3.4V-ON at
P800. Apply AC Power the 3.4V Supply should now be present. If ok remove AC Power.
Install a 100Ω? watt resistor from 5V STB to M5V-ON on
Connector P800, 5V Vcc should now become active, If present remove AC Power.
Install a 100Ω1/4 Watt resistor from 5V STB to VS-ON on
Connector P800, VS and VA should now be present. This test will confirm the normal operation of the

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