Subscriber Newsletter
Welcome to the newsletter repair info page.
We will let you know, what new repair information has been updated on the members area and some free download files
for subscribers!
WHAT's New?
Do you read my recent repair article? If not, then you can click the link below to visit:
How to repair LCD TV No Display with Blue Screen and Two
Vertical White Bars!
Old Articles But It Can Helps to
How to repair LCD TV Auto Change Channel Problem
2) How To Bypass LCD TV Inverter Board Shutdown Backlight
3) LG 42PC5DC Plasma TV Switch Mode Power Supply Operation and
** All the above repair articles had been expired and remove from this page. I will send
these great repair articles to Subscriber by email. Hope this helps.
This month special:
1) This month lots of the LCD, LED, Plasma Tv, Projection, Projector and 3D TV had
uploaded inside the members area. Please Login to the membership site for more repair information details:
2) This month,
the repair tips on the LCD TV Repair members area, it is up to 115 repair case and the LCD TV PSU schematic diagram is over 100 now!
If you're LCD TV Repair paid members, you can
Click Here to login now.
3) For
free subscribers, we had uploaded some good repair information for you as a reference on this
"Download Page".
This month we had put another great repair
information for subscriber. These repair information were:
1) SAMSUNG LA-32A330J1N LCD TV SM (file size: 15.17MB)
2) Samsung 943NWX LS19MYNKBBEDC LCD Monitor SM (file size: 17.5MB)
3) Pioneer DVR-310_DVR-510H DVD Recorder Training Guide (929KB)
** And other previous month free download repair information!
4) We had received a lot of email regarding the Paypal.com (or their credit card
service) not accept their credit card or they don't have the credit card to join the membership. So do i accept or
received other type of payment? If you do not have the credit cards or Paypal.com not accept your credit card, you
can email me for alternative payment like Western Union or MoneyGram services.

5) For members
or subscriber are using the Yahoo mail, Hotmail, AOL mail Or other similar mail service, and always facing problem
can't received our broadcast email newsletter. Please read on this page. Click
6) If you have
any other good suggestion, idea or repair information you think you want to share with us, please do not hesitate
to send me an email, you can Click
Here. Thank you.
To your success,
Kent Liew