How to Repair LCD TV with Symptom No Display but Blue Screen and Vertical
White Bars
Hisense TLM-3233D LCD TV
No Display but Blue Screen with Two Vertical White
power on this lcd tv, the screen show no display but blue screen with two vertical white bars. The two vertical
white bars will flash but no any content inside. The LCD TV can hear the sound and remote control to change
channel properly. Try other video signals input like AV and PC also same results. Even try to call out the OSD
menu also same problem too.
the LCD TV cannot show the OSD menu and the TV got sound and change channel properly, so that the mainboard is
normal. After observation this lcd tv, found that the problem could be in the T-CON board or LCD
LVDS and FPC cables, they are show as normal, then check the T-CON board voltages. All voltages in T-CON board
are ok, so that i will suspect the T-CON board mainchip (N39) or their memory chip (N31) defective. I got the
junk T-CON board with same part number, but their DC-DC chip was burnt. So the mainchip and memory IC can be
Because of the N39 (CM2681) have many pins and the memory IC N31 (24LC128) only have 8 pins, so
that I choose to replace the N31 first. After replace the N31, I try to power on the TV, and it was show
display perfectly!
Since this N31 is a memory IC, does that mean IC itself damage or just the firmware corrupt and
caused this problem happen? To find out this answer, I use my programmer to copy the working memory IC
firmware and write it into the original memory IC. Do you guess what has happen? Yes, the LCD TV working
perfectly too! So the problem solved and it was causing by the firmware corrupted.
The T-CON board memory chip or their firmware corrupt also can cause the screen problem. So that
we need to save their firmware and must prepare some junk boards of T-con board, mainboard and inverter board
for future use.
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