Skyworth 8M19 Chassis LED TV with TV Screen Full of Vertical Lines/Bars
This TV problem solved without any cost, yes $0! Today come in a Skyworth 32 inches 8M19 Chassis
LED TV with the TV screen full of vertical lines/bars problem. The customer said the former TV repairer told
him his TV is the screen was broken and no worth to repair.

After power on the TV, the TV has sound, but the screen shows as photo above, yes, it is looks
like screen problem and it’s full of vertical lines. But these lines position are not steady, sometime is
will change to another position. Use the remote control try to call out the TV OSD Menu and the TV screen is
shows as photo below:

If the TV display problem but their OSD Menu is normal, that’s mean it is NOT the screen/panel
broken problem (please refer to my eBooks series has mention it before)! After called out the OSD Menu
successfully, try to play their features through the remote control. When try to AUTO Search the TV Channel,
the channel frequency is not running just fixed on that frequency values only, even try change to manually search channel also not
function. Please refer to the photo below:

From the above TV checking steps, suspect the TV problem is in the Mainboard! If you’ve the
special tools like LVDS Tester, TV Mainboard output Tester or etc, you also can check the TV mainboard output
to make sure it is the TV Mainboard problem or not. So start to check the TV mainboard LDO
voltage output, crystals & etc (for more detail please refer to V6.0 ebook). Found their TV
Mainboard core voltage was abnormal. When check the Main Chip/CPU core voltage, it’s shows the voltage values
is: 1.88V but not stable. Sometime this voltage will increase to 2.21V! It is confirmed that the problem is
TV Mainboard core voltage abnormal, and the normal core voltage values is about 1.2V (it will depend on the
types of TV Mainboard).

Refer to the TV Mainboard schematic diagram, this TV Mainboard core voltage circuit is as photo

First check the Core Voltage input voltage, 5Vstb supply, and it is normal. Refer to the TV
mainboard schematic diagram, suspect the core voltage problem is cause by the U8 (NCP1595A) or their FB
feedback circuit corresponding components abnormal. So first checking their R24, R28 & R86. But these
resistors are nearby the L111 coil/inductor and cover with the white glue. Normally, TV Mainboard
manufacturer will put this white glue on the coil to prevent the coil vibrate. If need to check these
resistors, must remove the white glue first. After removed the white glue, check the R24, R28 & R86
resistors and all these resistors values is normal. Suddenly, thought that this kind of white glue may cause
the leakage in between the electronic components contact pin/s after long time use! Power on the TV Mainboard
and try to check their core voltage output, bingo! It is back to normal 1.24V now! Please refer to the photo

This Skyworth LED TV is working properly now without change any spare part or electronic
component! (Yes, the solder and soldering Iron & electricity fees are not included :-))
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