This is the time to learn something new. All
these repair information are good to let you learn something from it. Hopefully these information helps to you
1) Acer
Iconia Tab W500 PEGATRON Armani EAB00 AMD Brazos Rev2.0
This is a Acer Iconia Tab W500, 2 in 1 tablet
& laptop computer. Where this file is the tablet schematic diagram for the computer or
tablet repairer. With this complete schematic diagrams, you can learn what type of power system it use
and their circuit structure to built this Tab.

2) ASUS A7S Laptop Troubleshooting Guide
This Asus A7S laptop troubleshooting guide. Even
it has 7 pages only, but the information are quite useful. Especially their Power on Sequence repair
information, it will helps the computer or laptop repairer know how about this laptop power on status
and starting from which IC or pins reach to which pins too.

3) Fagor Induction HOB Technical Training Thermor ENG-1
This Technical Training Manual, it is regarding to the
Glass-ceramic heating, inductin Hobs. The Glass-Ceramic Heating have two type, one is induction and another
one is infrared. Below is the training manual for induction type Glass-Ceramic Heating.

4) LG 39LB5800-UG Chassis LA46B LED TV SM-2014
Nowadays, they have lots of the new model of
LED TV in the market now. So we need to know what's new in this new TV and how to improve ourself to repair this
type of Tv in the future. So we need to learn first, before we can repair it.
For more information on repair lcd tv, please click the button below to visit:
Samsung TV SMPS Case History
(LCD/LED/Plasma TV) by Damon
( New! )
V4.0- LED & LCD TV Repair
Tips LCD TV Repair Membership
V3.0- LED & LCD TV Repair Tips
ebook V2.0 - LCD & LED TV Repair Tips
V1.01-Collection of LCD TV Repair Tips
Testing Electronic Components Ebookby Jestine Yong

SMPS Power Supply Repair Guideby Jestine Yong
